
For each transaction sender should pay fee. Fees are measured in “units”.

1 unit = 10^15 pip = 0.001 bip.

Standard commissions

Here is a list of current fees:

Type Fee
TypeSend 10 units
TypeSellCoin 100 units
TypeSellAllCoin 100 units
TypeBuyCoin 100 units
TypeCreateCoin 1000 units
TypeDeclareCandidacy 10000 units
TypeDelegate 100 units
TypeUnbond 100 units
TypeRedeemCheck 10 units
TypeSetCandidateOnline 100 units
TypeSetCandidateOffline 100 units

Also sender should pay extra 2 units per byte in Payload and Service Data fields.

Special fees

To issue a coin with short name Coiner should pay extra fee. Fee is depends on length of Coin Symbol.

3 letters – 1 000 000 bips + standard transaction fee
4 letters – 100 000 bips + standard transaction fee
5 letters – 10 000 bips + standard transaction fee
6 letters – 1000 bips + standard transaction fee
7 letters – 100 bips + standard transaction fee
8 letters – 10 bips + standard transaction fee
9-10 letters - just standard transaction fee